Results for 'William W. Beck'

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  1.  33
    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Tom F. Digby, P. H. Steedman, Ruth W. Bauer, Joseph C. Bronars Jr, Dorothy Huenecke, Georgia I. Gudykunst, Richard L. Hopkins, William W. Beck, Joseph A. Browde & Michael A. Oliker - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (1):98-109.
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  2. Rejoinder to Professors Murphy and Williams.L. W. Beck - 1969 - Ratio (Misc.) 11 (1):82.
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  3. Tanrı Var mı?Musa Yanık & W. David Beck - 2024 - Ankara: Fol Yayınları. Translated by Musa Yanık.
    Tarihte herhalde çok az soru Tanrı’nın varlığı sorusu kadar sık sorulmuş, çok yanıtlanmış ve verilen birbirinden farklı onca yanıta rağmen kesin bir sonuca ulaştırılamayıp tartışılmaya devam etmiştir. Yine de geçmişe dönüp baktığımızda bu soruya verilen farklı yanıtların farklı uygarlıkların inşa edilmesine, bazılarının yıkılmasına, acımasız çatışmalara ve her şeye rağmen kucaklaşmalara da vesile olduğunu görüyoruz. Tanrı var mı? Varsa onu nasıl bilebiliriz? Tanrı yoksa her şey mubah mı? İnsan aklı ilahi olanı kavrayabilir mi? Tanrı’nın varlığı ahlaklı olmanın şartı mı? Evren akıllı (...)
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    Kant and Political Philosophy: The Contemporary Legacy.Ronald Beiner & William James Booth (eds.) - 1993 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    In recent years there has been a major revival of interest in the political philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Thinkers have looked to Kant's theories about knowledge, history, the moral self and autonomy, and nature and aesthetics to seek the foundations of their own political philosophy. This volume, written by established authorities on Kant as well as by new scholars in the field, illuminates the ways in which contemporary thinkers differ regarding Kantian philosophy and Kant's legacy to political and ethical theory. (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Religion in Planetary Perspective a Philosophy of Comparative Religion /William W. Mountcastle, Jr. --. --.William W. Mountcastle - 1978 - Abingdon, C1978.
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  6. The Retreat to Commitment.William W. Bartley - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (2):153-155.
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    What You Know, What You Do, and How You Feel: Cultural Competence, Cultural Consonance, and Psychological Distress.William W. Dressler, Mauro C. Balieiro & José E. dos Santos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Feminism and Literary Study: A Reply to Annette Kolodny.William W. Morgan - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 2 (4):807-816.
    Like Kolodny, I think feminism one of the most vital and energizing forces in literary criticism today, but for two reasons I found her exposition of the topic disappointing. It seems to me that she underplays the most crucial of the many aesthetic and pedagogical issues raised by feminist literary study, and she endorses a kind of intellectual defeatism when, in the conclusion of her essay, she places a "Posted" sign between the male readers of Critical Inquiry and her own (...)
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  9. The reformation as 'tragic necessity' revisited.William W. Emilsen - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (4):415.
    Emilsen, William W On the cusp of the Second Vatican Council the distinguished American Lutheran historical theologian, Jaroslav Pelikan, then at the University of Chicago, published a groundbreaking volume titled The Riddle of Roman Catholicism. In this book Pelikan gave a sympathetic yet critical examination of the evolution of Roman Catholicism, its distinctive beliefs and, most importantly, he offered a discussion of the theological issues Protestants face in their conversations with Roman Catholics on Christian unity. The Riddle of Roman (...)
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  10. What Hilbert and Bernays Meant by "Finitism".William W. Tait - 2018 - In Gabriele Mras, Paul Weingartner & Bernhard Ritter, Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics: Proceedings of the 41st International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 249-261.
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    Aristotle on Women.William W. Fortenbaugh - 2015 - Ancient Philosophy 35 (2):395-404.
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    Can information be de-cognitized?William W. Rozeboom - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):76-77.
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    Sequential blanking effects with matrix displays.William W. Agresti & Mark S. Mayzner - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (1):29-30.
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    Persistence of geographic memories in adults.William W. Beatty & Margaret Spangenberger - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (2):104-105.
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    Secondary extinction of lever-pressing behavior in the albino rat.William W. Rozeboom - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (4):280.
  16. An anthropological appreciation of José Carlos mariátegui.William W. Stein - 1983 - In Pasquale N. Russo, Dialectical perspectives in philosophy and social science. Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner.
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    Horace Epode 16.15-16.William W. Batstone - 1985 - American Journal of Philology 106 (2):237.
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    Sex differences in retention of passive avoidance behavior in rats.William W. Beatty, Kenneth C. Gregoire & Linda L. Parmiter - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (2):99-100.
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    Cybernetics and the symbolic body model.William W. Everett - 1972 - Zygon 7 (2):98-109.
  20. Theophrastus, Fragment 65 Wimmer: Is It Important for Understanding Peripatetic Rhetoric?William W. Fortenbaugh - 1990 - American Journal of Philology 111:168-175.
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    The Separation of Church and State: Truth, Opinion, and Democracy.William W. Clohesy - 2009 - Public Affairs Quarterly 23 (1):49-66.
    The United States Constitution is arguably the greatest practical achievement of the Enlightenment. Yet most of the elements of the Constitution are borrowed from elsewhere. Its single wholly original component is the separation of church and state. The doctrine of separation has become controversial of late: Numerous ministers and politicians insist that the United States is in truth a "Christian nation" with Christian institutions that has been overtaken by secular humanism; they call for bringing the United States back to its (...)
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  22. Leaving home for graduate science education in the G‐7 countries: To what end?William W. Cobern - 1996 - Science Education 80 (1):83-84.
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  23. On Ascribing Beliefs.William W. Taschek - 1998 - Journal of Philosophy 95 (7):323-353.
  24.  10
    Arius Didymus on Peripatetic Ethics, Household Management, and Politics: Text, Translation, and Discussion.William W. Fortenbaugh (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities.
    Contains essays by different authors on Arius Didymus. Also contains parallel text in Greek and English of fragments attributed to Arius Didymus, preserved in Stobaeus's Eclogues. Translation of Arius Didymus by Georgia Tsouni.
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    Interrogating Human Rights: What Purpose? Whose Duty?William W. Clohesy - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (1):43-65.
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    Hypertension and Perceived Stress: A St. Lucian Example.William W. Dressler - 1984 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 12 (3):265-283.
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    Memory for temporal order in multiple sclerosis.William W. Beatty & Nancy Monson - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):10-12.
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    Grammatically biased learning: Learning logic programs using an explicit antecedent description language.William W. Cohen - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 68 (2):303-366.
  29. Determinism and indeterminism in quantum physics.W. H. Williams - 1929 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 10 (4):241.
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  30. England's Disgrace? JS Mill and the Irish Question. By Bruce L. Kinzer.W. H. A. Williams - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:428-428.
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    Turing A. M.. The word problem in semi-groups with cancellation. Annals of mathematics, ser. 2 vol. 52 , pp. 491–505.William W. Boone - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):74-76.
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    Zur zweiteilung der seele in en I 7 und I 13.William W. Fortenbaugh - 1976 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 120 (1):299-302.
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  33. International science education section—editorial policy statement.William W. Cobern & Section Coeditor - 1994 - Science Education 78 (3):217-220.
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    The logic of unboundedly reactive systems.William W. Rozeboom - 1978 - Synthese 39 (3):435 - 530.
    Scientific theories often need to envision that a given output variable Y is jointly determined by all input variables of a certain kind ΣX that we can identify onlyas a kind without knowing all its specific instances or even how many of these there are, When the number of variables in ΣX is possibly infinite, the function by which they determine Y proves to be enormously enigmatic, epistemically, mathematically, and scientifically.
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    Sex differences in shock thresholds in rats and gerbils and the day-night cycle.William W. Beatty & Gerald A. Holzer - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):71-72.
  36. On Problemata 3 : wine-drinking and drunkenness.William W. Fortenbaugh - 2015 - In Robert Mayhew, The Aristotelian Problemata Physica : Philosophical and Scientific Investigations. Boston: Brill.
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    Tά πρòς τò τελoς and Syllogistic Vocabulary in Aristotle's Ethics1.William W. Fortenbaugh - 1965 - Phronesis 10:191.
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    Zu der darstellung der seele in der nikomachischen ethik I 13.William W. Fortenbaugh - 1970 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 114 (1-2):289-291.
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    Unity and Diversity: Essays in the History, Literature and Religion of the Ancient near East.William W. Hallo, Hans Goedicke & J. J. M. Roberts - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):594.
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  40. Wittgenstein and the "Skeptical Paradoxes".William W. Tait - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (9):475.
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    Consciousness as organismic physiological functioning.William W. Martin - 1947 - Psychological Review 54 (2):99-115.
  42. Gödel's Correspondence on Proof Theory and Constructive Mathematics †Charles Parsons read part of an early draft of this review and made important corrections and suggestions.William W. Tait - 2006 - Philosophia Mathematica 14 (1):76-111.
  43. The Burden of Language in Religion: A Catholic Study.W. J. Williams - 1907 - Hibbert Journal 6:883.
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  44. Theophrastus of Eresus. Sources for his Life, Writings, Thought and Influence, 2 vol.William W. Fortenbaugh - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (2):453-454.
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  45. Resistance To Atheistic Education In The Soviet Union.William W. Brickman - 1974 - Journal of Thought 9 (1):16-28.
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  46. Analogy and Mental Representation: A Solution to the Mind-Body Problem Based on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars.William W. Davis - 1981 - Dissertation, University of Kansas
    In this dissertation, I provide the logical foundation for a solution to the mind-body problem, a solution which is directly based upon Wilfrid Sellars' analogical theory of thought and sensation. Chapters I-IV are devoted to an interpretation, analysis, and constructive criticism of Sellars' notions of the inner thought episode and the sensing state. My analysis is offered in support of three general contentions: I argue that the postulation of inner thought episodes and sensing states is necessary for adequate explanations of (...)
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    Empathy and democracy: Feeling, thinking and deliberation.William W. Sokoloff - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (4):e5-e7.
  48. Politics and Anxiety in Hobbes' Leviathan.William W. Sokoloff - 2001 - Theory and Event 5:1-13.
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    Ethics and Higher Education.William W. May (ed.) - 1990 - Oryx Press.
    To learn more about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at
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  50. Formal analysis and the language of behavior theory.William W. Rozeboom - 1961 - In Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell, Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York.
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